Type Ingredients Function
Belt pouch 1 hour’s time

Sewing kit

1 bundle of leather

A belt pouch can hold up to 5 small items and can be equipped. Equipping more than one will take the place of one of your weapons each.
Backpack 4 hour’s time

Sewing kit

4 bundles of leather

Any large bag can hold up to 10 small items and can be equipped, but carrying one on you will use up your armour slot
Chest 4 hour’s time

Artisan kit

8 bundles of wood or

8 bundles of metal and heat source

A chest has enough space to store 20 small items and can be carried by a mount.
Flask / Water skin 1 hour’s time

Artisan kit,

Heat source and

1 bundle of metal or

Sewing kit and

1 bundle of leather

These containers can hold up to 1L of water or other liquid.
Bottle / Jar 1 hour’s time

Artisan kit

Heat source

3 bundles of sand

These containers can hold up to 1L of water or other liquid and will break when thrown.
Barrel 4 hour’s time A barrel can store up to 25 small items or 120L of water, which can last someone two months.
Hook Artisan kit

Heat source

1 bundle of metal

A metal hook which can latch onto various things
Rope 5 bundles of string

per metre

A flexible material with various utilities
Net 10 bundles of string per metre squared Often used for hunting and trapping.
Lantern 4 hour’s time

Artisan kit

Heat source

2 bundles of metal

A lamp to serve as a light source. Consumes a bundle of oil every day it is used.
Torch 1/2 hour’s time

1 bundle of wood

1 bundle of oil

A light source that burns for about an hour
Bed roll 4 hour’s time

Sewing kit

8 bundles of fabric.

A roll of cloth to keep you warm at night.
Tent 4 hour’s time

Sewing kit

4 bundles of fabric

A temporary roof to shelter you from the weather on your travels.
Saddle 8 hour’s time

Sewing kit

4 bundles of leather

A seat to equip on a mount so that you may ride it.
Fire striker 1 hour’s time

Artisan kit

1 bundle of metal

When struck with flint or similar stones, this piece of metal can start fires.